GMX Email Service
Advanced, savvy, different. With its unique webmail system, GMX provides personal users, as well as small to medium-sized businesses, with the opportunity for an easy and professional communication option. GMX understands its users and is accessible with any computer or device given an Internet connection.
New features are constantly added and developed with the GMX user in mind, increasing convenience and safety. Such features include the GMX Mail Collector, allowing customers to easily file third party inboxes into their GMX account. In addition, the GMX Organizer, Cloud, and integrated address book help keep all appointments and meetings organized and on track.
The security of GMX users’ accounts is always a top priority. The advanced virus protection in place scans emails and attachments for all types of malware, both inbound and outbound. It locates viruses, worms and Trojans, even in compressed file formats for your safety. GMX mailboxes are also protected from spam with seven anti-spam modules, resulting in 98% less unwanted mail.
GMX takes care about your security and protects you against Spam & Viruses. GMX helps you filter Spam & Viruses before they reach your mailbox.