Discover all its benefits
The GMX Contacts feature is located under the 'Contacts' tab on the menu bar at the top of your GMX account. The online address book can be easily set up by beginning with adding contacts. In order to do so, follow the below instructions:
The most basic, yet essential, feature of your email address book, is the adding, editing and deleting of your online contacts. This has been made as simple as possible, affording you the freedom and flexibility to manage your contacts however and whenever you like. The 'Business Card' function makes it even easier to add someone to your GMX Contacts. Within your online address book, you will find your own personal Business Card. This can be edited at any time and can be attached to your emails, allowing other GMX users to add you quickly and easily to their own GMX Contacts list.
For organisational purposes, the filtering, favouriting and searching functions are key to your online address book. From the search bar, users can search contacts within their email address book based on certain elements of their name or email address. The filters allow users to determine which contacts or groups are shown based on certain criteria such as groups, favourites or birthdays. Favouriting a contact can be particularly useful if you have a select few contacts that you contact regularly. By simply clicking the star symbol beside a contact, you can add the contact to your favourites list, and search by favourites any time you want.
GMX Contacts allows for the cross-compatibility that any modern digital tool requires. It can be synchronised with any app that supports CardDAV standard. In order to synchronise your contacts from iOS and iPadOS, simply add a CardDAV account in your settings. For Android, you will require the GMX email app in order to sync contacts.
When importing contacts to your email address book, the following formats are supported: