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Sam and Sean Noakes explain why they don't spar

Sam and Sean Noakes explain why they don't spar

Sean Noakes hated sparring his brother Sam because of his “dirty” fighting.

The 29-year-old boxer hasn’t got in the ring with his younger sibling for “years” because things used to get “rough” between them, while the British, Commonwealth and European lightweight champion accused his older brother of not playing by the rules.

Sean told Boxing News magazine: “We haven’t sparred each other for years.

“I was always moaning about him being dirty. He was always pushing and pulling.”

Sam said: “You’ve seen how I fight – I’m just rough and he didn’t like it.

“He hit me after the bell a few times. I’ve got the videos.

“There was one time I had my hands down and he hit me with a left hook – and then he moans about me.”

Sean protested: “I’ve got it on video as well.

“I was halfway through the punch when the bell rang.”

The brothers have always been competitive.

Sam said: “We are brothers and best mates.

“I was best man at his wedding and we never really fought growing up, but if we go down to the beach and throw stones, it’s always, ‘I’m better at skimming stones than you’. That’s the way we are.”

And the paid have very “different” styles in the ring.

Sean said: “I’m not as mad as him! I’m completely different.

“Sam is an out-and-out brawler and I’m a box-puncher.”

Sam agreed: “We are different characters and it shows when we box.

“He’s more patient. I’m not patient. I always go looking for an early night.

“With me, everything is hard.

“I’m more aggressive than Sean, but he has the better knockouts. He goes for the one shot and I don’t leave them alone.”

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