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Barrier blocking view of Mount Fuji removed

Barrier blocking view of Mount Fuji removed

A barrier blocking tourists' view of Mount Fuji has been removed by officials in Japan.

The barrier was initially constructed in May in order to stop tourists from swarming the area, but it's now been removed, meaning that tourists can once again enjoy the view of the iconic Japanese landmark.

Authorities in Yamanashi prefecture installed the barrier earlier this year amid concerns about overcrowding and anti-social behaviour among some tourists.

However, it was recently removed in preparation for the arrival of a typhoon and it's set to remain down for the time being.

Despite this, authorities have warned that the screen will go up once again if the same problems resurface.

Some 35 million foreign tourists are expected to visit Japan in 2024, and Mount Fuji - which around 100 kilometres southwest of Tokyo, Japan's capital city - is one of the country's most popular tourist destinations.

Meanwhile, Kikue Katsumata - who lives close to the mountain - previously admitted that she could sympathise with both sides of the argument, with people travelling from around the world in order to enjoy the iconic view.

She told the BBC: "I feel sad for those tourists who come all the way to see the view and take pictures, but traffic here is quite heavy, and we are all very concerned about accidents."

On the other hand, Kazuhiko Iwama bemoaned tourists who simply refused to follow the rules.

Iwama - who has a great view of the mountain from his home - said: "I see it every day from my window, so I really don’t have much to say about it. I guess I take it for granted."

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