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Scientists fear that billionaire space tourists could wreck hopes of learning about the universe

Scientists fear that billionaire space tourists could wreck hopes of learning about the universe

Rich space tourists could ruin attempts to find out more about the history of the universe.

Dr. Martin Elvis, an astrophysicist at Harvard University, claims that specific areas on the far side of the Moon provide opportunities for scientists to expand their understanding of the solar system but the lack of rules to protect them from inquisitive billionaires could ruin future exploration attempts.

He told reporters ahead of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) conference in Boston: "At the same time that having people on the Moon enables us to do great new things that will make today’s best telescope look like toys, the activities of humans can actually disturb the very environment that we’re going there for.

"So we've got this balancing act and at the moment, there is no balance because there's no protection for science at all on the Moon."

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