Seven organisations - including environmental association GOB and campaigners Menys Turisme - have all signed an open letter in an attempt to stop tourists from visiting the Spanish island during the peak summer season.
The letter reads: "The island has been exploited to unimaginable limits, leading to the collapse we are now suffering.”
Despite hoteliers, real estate investors and politicians being drawn to Mallorca in recent years - and tourism bringing in high revenue - critics have branded them as "parasites".
It's claimed residents are suffering from issues with infrastructure, transport and overwhelmed public services, environmental deterioration, a housing crisis, and gentrification.
The group continued: "Politicians tell us they want to promote the deseasonalisation of the tourism industry.
“This would mean reducing the number of tourists during peak season by spreading them throughout the year.
"However, what is actually happening is exactly the opposite."
They argued that the island is "not the paradise they are selling you", and that the "local population is angry and no longer hospitable because the land we love is being destroyed and many of us have to leave the island because it is uninhabitable".
The organisations urged tourists to "put yourselves in our place", as they pleaded: "We do not need more tourists; in fact, you are the source of our problem."
The Balearic Government recently revealed a proposal to raise the "Sustainable Tourism Tax" from €4 to €6 per person, per night during high season.
Meanwhile, they are looking for parliament to approve a motion to ban new tourist accommodation in residential buildings.